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Tempering Machines

The KeyChoc INFINITY range of chocolate tempering machines consists of the AX (60 kgs) and BX (24 kgs), which are both fully automatic, continuous temperers as well as the MX (75 kgs) which is a seed temperer and the BT150 (150 kgs), which is a fully automatic batch tempering tank. The BT150 is designed to be connected to a cold water supply and to act as a feeder tank for tempered chocolate to moulding or enrobing lines.


Together they form a range of chocolate tempering machines to suit every requirement.

Infinity AX Keychoc Tempering Machine
Infinity AX

The INFINITY AX is fully automatic, full-featured, continuous chocolate tempering machine that can consistently temper batches from as little as 12kgs and up to 60kgs. It’s unequalled flexibility, ease of control and versatility will replace the need for 2 or 3 separate machines.


 $25,500 + GST & Shipping

6-24kg Automatic Tempering Machine from KeyChoc
Infinity BX

The INFINITY BX is a compact, fully automatic, continuous chocolate tempering machine suitable for tempering batches of chocolate from as little as 6kgs and up to 24kgs.


 $18,100 + GST & Shipping

KeyChoc 150kg Batch Tempering Machine
Infinity BT150

The INFINITY BT150 is designed for high-volume chocolate production with the ability to temper and hold a huge 150kg capacity of chocolate in a water-jacketed tank ready for use.


 $20,350 + GST & Shipping

Infinity-MX Keychoc tempering machine for inclusions
Infinity MX

The INFINITY MX has a large 75kg capacity and can be used as a warming tank or as a seed tempering machine. It can also work with up to 10mm inclusion size.


 $14,900 + GST & Shipping

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